This time, I wanted to do it the right way. So, I'm writing my first-ever screenplay.
I was kind of intimidated at first and didn't really know where to start. My classmate, Mateo, was a big help in figuring it out. He showed me his draft for the short film he's writing for the portfolio project. It's starting out really funny, and I especially enjoyed it because it's based on a true story from our mutual friend, Eduardo, who is always up to some wacky shit.
Anyways, Mateo told me about this website called "Writer Duet."

It's a screenplay-writing software that is free to use. It has all the necessary features to write in the proper format, including sluglines, action lines, a title page, dialogue etc. But, if I'm being fully honest, I had no clue what any of this meant; and I definitely didn't know a thing about why we even do this format in the first place.
Luckily, I discovered Ms. Makalya Lysiak. She's a young, aspiring actress and writer in Hollywood and publishes regularly about this world on her YouTube Channel.
This beginner guide taught me everything I needed to know. It wasn't as hard as I had expected. So, without further ado, I hopped back over to WriterDuet and started writing... now HERE is where I got kind of stumped.
Having an idea and turning it into a script are very different things, especially for a short film that is as dialogue-heavy as mine. I'm struggling to visualize the pacing, which is crucial for the humor in the montage (which is the bulk of the short film) sequence. The good news though is that at least I've started! It can only get better from here! I've already knocked down the first scene between the girlfriend (who I think I'm naming Rebecca) and her boyfriend (Liam; also TBD), and then began the second scene with the best friend Mia (pretty set in stone).
Did you notice anything in the photo? I have a title!! At least for now.. I'm open to workshopping it and might call in the big guns (Ms. Stoklosa) tomorrow for an outside opinion. I had considered "10 (or x ways in the montage) ways to dump your boyfriend" but Mateo said it sounded like a tutorial., which is definitely NOT what I'm going for.
My upcoming posts this week should delve into possible social media (marketing) plans I have so that I can get that up and running. See ya then!
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