Sunday, March 31, 2024

The death of my beloved laptop

As I keep mentioning in the past few blog posts, I had issues with my laptop. Here's what exactly happened. 

On Friday, March 15th, my laptop worked fine during 5th and 6th hour. I remember what day this was because I was grinding out some work for my classes while listening to music and even took some picture of my setup (I take pictures of everything). However, on a day that I REALLY could not afford my computer to breakdown, it did just that. Come 8th hour and my computer isn't even turning on. I got home and tried everything, I would try to keep it on a charger and got absolutely NOTHING but an eerie hum. I told my Dad who ended up procrastinating to call some tech guy for help, not that it would save my laptop. The guy checked it out over spring break and said it wasn't worth it to fix as the motherboard or something was fried and replacing it is about the same price as a new computer (no idea what any of that means but RIP). This was obviously a setback, especially as for this class alone I need some kind of computer to edit my segment and do blog posts. 

(here's a mini shrine to her, I don't have pictures of the back right now but I had so many cute stickers I'll miss >:c)

I'll miss you always :(

No time to grieve when I had a project to finish though, here's how I worked around this.

So, on the day it actually broke down, I had SO MUCH WORK. Like I had to edit a segment for my TV class due that day and knock out some other school work. Once I got home, I just downloaded Premiere on my Mom' s laptop and did just that. Come spring break and there was another little obstacle to overcome. I filmed on Tuesday (3/26) and planned to just grind out editing on Wednesday. However, my Mom and Dad kind of just.. went to Orlando for the day without a word (they were tasting catering options for my older sister's upcoming wedding). When I woke up I tried to go to my Mom's office to use her computer only to discover she had taken it with her. I literally started crying out of panic (only for like 2 seconds but still, THAT'S how freaked out I was that I wouldn't be able to edit). After some convincing though, my Dad let me use his super cool Alienware laptop. 

It ended up working out, main issue was having limited or weird hours to use the computer since my Dad has work. I pulled like two all nighters to be able to have laptop hours.. it was all worth it though!!

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE.. I am getting a new laptop!! It should arrive on Wednesday (4/3). I'm super excited because I've never owned like my OWN laptop, this one was my first and it was my Mom's 6 year old one. Plus, my Dad got one with an i7 processor or whatever so those are good for video editing (I'll finally have a laptop that won't crash every time I open Premiere!!) I'm pretty excited :)

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