Monday, April 1, 2024

More changes

 Today was the first day back in school but it's a B day, so I don't see Mrs. Stoklosa until tomorrow when the final submission is due.. kind of cutting it a little close. I showed my TV teacher and friends though and they gave me some pointers, specifically in editing.  

I guess because I know the idea I expect everyone else to understand it, but I need to make it more obvious that the flashbacks are well, FLASHBACKS. They recommended adding a subtle vignette effect, desaturating a little more (or maybe going full black and white but I'm worried that's too cheesy), and maybe using a special transition like dip to white for the first flashback clip. I can't edit until I'm home because I have all my Premiere stuff on my Dad's computer but it shouldn't take long. I also have to fix the music levels a bit.

here's how the current flashbacks look^

Update: I got to editing at home at like 10pm (it was my Mom's birthday so I wasn't able to until now) and I lessened the lowpass a little so the music isnt as muffled, I added a dip to white transition for the first flashback shown, and I also desaturated it a a lot. I didn't go full black and white because it felt cheesy and vintage ish, which isnt what I wanted.

here's the updated look^

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