Here's a link to the film opening on youtube.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
This is it, the day has come I am finally done!! It was nice blogging for ya! See you next year for A level, hope you enjoy :)
Creative Critical Reflection
Here's a podcast answering the first two questions.
and here's the second set of questions answered in an livestream type video
Monday, April 1, 2024
More changes
Today was the first day back in school but it's a B day, so I don't see Mrs. Stoklosa until tomorrow when the final submission is due.. kind of cutting it a little close. I showed my TV teacher and friends though and they gave me some pointers, specifically in editing.
I guess because I know the idea I expect everyone else to understand it, but I need to make it more obvious that the flashbacks are well, FLASHBACKS. They recommended adding a subtle vignette effect, desaturating a little more (or maybe going full black and white but I'm worried that's too cheesy), and maybe using a special transition like dip to white for the first flashback clip. I can't edit until I'm home because I have all my Premiere stuff on my Dad's computer but it shouldn't take long. I also have to fix the music levels a bit.
here's how the current flashbacks look^
Update: I got to editing at home at like 10pm (it was my Mom's birthday so I wasn't able to until now) and I lessened the lowpass a little so the music isnt as muffled, I added a dip to white transition for the first flashback shown, and I also desaturated it a a lot. I didn't go full black and white because it felt cheesy and vintage ish, which isnt what I wanted.
here's the updated look^Editing
General Sequence
Flashback clips
The Grand Unveiling: My Screenplay is Finished!
After a long week at states (where I places 4th by the way!!! WOOO!), I finally got back today (Sunday) and wrapped up my screenplay. (on ...
Here's a podcast answering the first two questions. ...
Here's a link to the film opening on youtube. YouTube
As I keep mentioning in the past few blog posts, I had issues with my laptop. Here's what exactly happened. On Friday, March 15th, my l...